Sunday, January 4, 2009

Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 and Databases

Chapter 1: Introduction to ASP.NET 2.0 and ADO.NET
This chapter presents an introduction to the topic of using data in an ASP.NET 2.0 Web page, an explanation of how to set up a machine to use ASP.NET 2.0 with software and data for this book, and a set of initial demonstrations of the powerful features you will learn to use.
Chapter 2: Connecting to an Access Database
This chapter discusses how to create and modify data source controls that connect to a Microsoft Access database. The next few chapters discuss connecting to different types of databases and cover the same concepts for Microsoft SQL Server and other data sources.
Chapter 3: Connecting to SQL Server and SQL Server Express
This chapter focuses on using the SqlDataSource control with two Microsoft products: SQL Server and the new SQL Server Express (SSE) database engine.
Chapter 4: Connecting to Other Relational Databases
this chapter explores how ASP.NET 2.0 enables you to connect to those databases. We will be moving beyond the defaults of the SqlDataSource control to implement alternate providers and additional values in the connection string.
Chapter 5: Displaying Data in Tables
With this chapter, you now enter a new section of the book (Chapters 5 to 10), wherein the focus is on how to make the display of data as effective as possible for your business goals.
Chapter 6: Customizing the Appearance of Tables
The goal of this chapter is to take a few values out of an entire table and give them priority in the reader's eye. The design challenge is to focus the reader on the key values of interest among the deluge of data.
Chapter 7: Sorting and Paging Data
In this chapter, we further refine the concept by bringing individual values to a more prominent place in the realm of the user's attention.
Chapter 8: Displaying Data in Selection Lists
This chapter studies selection lists. Whereas tables present data in a two-dimensional format (rows and columns), lists present data in a single dimension, such as a bulleted list, a list box, a drop-down list, a group of radio buttons, or a set of check boxes.
Chapter 9: Filtering and Master-Details Scenarios
This chapter discusses how they can work together. We start with a basic technique to limit the number of records displayed in a data-bound table. Then we expand that technique to work with multiple controls, using the specialized strengths of each.
Chapter 10: Displaying Data in Templated Controls and Data Binding
As you will learn in this chapter, templates can be a part of a larger control, such as a templated column within a GridView.
Chapter 11: Updating and Deleting Data
This chapter and the next cover these certainties as they apply to data. We start here with how to change values in existing records (updating) and how to remove a record (deleting).
Chapter 12: Inserting New Records
This chapter covers the third leg of modifying data - creating a new record. It starts with a section on theory and a comparison of the insert capabilities of ASP.NET 2.0 controls.
Chapter 13: Validation
This chapter discusses validation controls, your first line of defense. Validation is not strictly a topic of the ASP.NET 2.0 data controls, because they can be used on forms that are not data-enabled.
Chapter 14: Business Objects As a Source of Data
This chapter explains the different variations of the N-tier application design principle and how they can provide flexible and easily maintainable application architectures.
Chapter 15: XML and Other Hierarchical Data
Chapter 16: Caching Data
This chapter discusses many of the new caching features in the ASP.NET 2.0 framework.
Chapter 17: Handling Events for Data Controls
This chapter explains the basics of creating event handlers, and provides an explanation of page-level events and how to handle button clicks.
Chapter 18: Performance Checklist
Chapter 19: Case Study-FAQ System
Appendix A: A Short and Practical Introduction to SQL Statements
Appendix B: Exercise Answers


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